Monthly Archives: March 2013

Chapel Designers Day 1 – Keeping Great Company in NYC

  I met some of the nicest, friendliest people last Sunday. I boarded the VAMOOSE and had two whole seats to myself and my Venti. Worked on figuring out the whole NSMobile Mail thing. It works! It was an uneventful trip, until I saw the NYC skyline. It was cloudy misty day, but NYC never...

Keeping Great Company, in the Company of The Chapel Designers

Guess who’s going to NYC with a group of fantabulous floral designers? …ME! Again, the anticipation of this conference is keeping me up at night. Holly Heider Chapple has put together (for the third year) a fantastic itinerary and group of designers, The Chapel Designers, to explore the ever-changing trends in our industry and how...

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About Lisa

Designing the florals we'd have at our own friend's and family's weddings, occasions, and fabulous parties.  Please give us a jingle...beautiful flowers, always!


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