Keeping Great Company, in the Company of The Chapel Designers

New York, stop and smell the tulips!

Guess who’s going to NYC with a group of fantabulous floral designers? …ME!

Again, the anticipation of this conference is keeping me up at night. Holly Heider Chapple has put together (for the third year) a fantastic itinerary and group of designers, The Chapel Designers, to explore the ever-changing trends in our industry and how we can bring the best to our clients.

NYC Floral District...from the archives

NYC Floral District…from the archives

With a theme of “being the best you can be” we’re going to be in the best of company! Amy Tran, David Beahm, Ariella Chezar, Style Me Pretty, Martha Stewart Weddings, and Holly Chapple are all on our itinerary. We will be joined by wholesalers FloralVerde and Florabundance, and VASESource. VASESource being our “go to” for high quality and unique floral containers. Holly and her studio’s designs have graced the magazines of Martha Stewart Weddings, Southern Living Magazines, and on and on and on. We’re going very soon, right before our wedding season goes into high gear. I am so excited to be a part of this group and sharefest! I’m already feeling the love!
New York City Pass Picture<

Why hello there

About Lisa

Designing the florals we'd have at our own friend's and family's weddings, occasions, and fabulous parties. Please give us a jingle...beautiful flowers, always!


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