Day 2 – Chapel Designers in NYC

Day 2 in Floral Nirvana

Today we are in the Helen Mills Studio for the seminar portion of our series.


It's going to be great!

It’s going to be great!

Holly Chapple, Evan Chapple, Chapel Designers

Our Hostess and Host, Holly & Evan Chapple

We heard about trends in social media from industry experts including the lovely Abby Larson from Style Me Pretty – The Ultimate Wedding blog. Abby shared her secrets of a maintaining a successful blog and a successful family life. Of course, Holly made lovely bouquets for all of our wonderful speakers.

Abby Larson, Style Me Pretty, Chapel Designers

Abby Larson, Style Me Pretty

We also heard from Anne Chertoff, an expert in social media of the wedding variety. Anne has worked as a wedding editor for wedding magazines and websites including Martha Stewart Weddings and She writes wedding planning and style columns including WeddingWire and works as a Digital Editorial Consultant for wedding businesses, including Vera Wang.

Anne Chertoff, Holly Chapple, Chapel Designers, fresh bouquets

Anne & Holly

We were able to hear Naomi DeManana speak about what she looks for in floral design and photography for submissions! Naomi works at Martha Stewart Weddings magazine as Style Editor.


A roundtable discussion sharing thoughts, ideas, and laughs.

Chapel Designers, NYC

Living with Flowers, Loving Flowers!

David Beahme, Chapel Designers, NYC

A Busy Day Tomorrow!

Why hello there

About Lisa

Designing the florals we'd have at our own friend's and family's weddings, occasions, and fabulous parties. Please give us a jingle...beautiful flowers, always!


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